Ben Raterman, Author

Short Stories
A homeless man deserts his hovel beneath a bridge the night of a flood. In the morning, a woman notices a light on in her basement, the basement she rarely enters now that her estranged son has left. With a sense of hope and caution, she descends the steps. Sitting in a pool of light is a man reading a book. Coming closer, the woman realizes the man is not her son. The homeless man stands. The two stare at each other. The Bicycle is a journey through the darkness into light where what is revealed may best be left concealed.
Artificial intelligence and a new world of creative enterprise.
Occurrences high above may affect those far below in ways we do not and cannot see.
Two estranged couples, broken business partners, are reluctantly reunited by a damaged chimney.
A discovery that provokes a change. From a cobble of dusty books to a placid sea and its warm sands.
When a small girl wakes to find the playground in the park across the street has become a war zone, she is both frightened and curious, wanting to know what has happened. Her parents and neighbors and the media have few answers. The explosions and gunfire across the street rattle her house and present scenes of destruction and death the neighborhood finds hard to bear. It is Caitlin's curiosity about where her playground has gone that draws her into the war zone and changes her life.